FUTURE-WORLD-EXV (2019) is a 16-minute socially engaged short film that explores and re-imagines the art of filmmaking as an extended practice with a strong social and environmental focus. The film unfolds a fragmented and poetic dreamscape narrative, tied together by the intertextualities of highly symbolic contents, original musical scores and soundscapes, text, and interlays of archival footage in the absence of dialogue. The film is set against the backdrop of a speculative future of the environmentally devastated oil-rich Niger Delta. It follows an oilman who becomes torn between following his industrial duties and hunting visions on the escalating environmental crisis. The oilman finds his fate in the hands of a colony of strange indigenous black and red-skinned people who live in a depilated water environment and worship a sea goddess. After his abduction and execution, he is discovered by indigenous mediums that lament the ordeal and prepare him for a ritual rebirth and self-redemption through coupling with a sea goddess. The film narrative illuminates two dissonance worlds in a dual journey, literal and metaphorical, corporeal and phantasmal, corporate and community, and their pursuit of co-existence through critical persuasion in the mediated realm of actions.
Film Trailer, 2K/4K Video Resolution & 5.1 Dolby Sound, Courtesy of the artist and Blazing Century Studios, Nigeria